In this blog post, we will discuss document databases, diving into their history, features, benefits, use cases, and some examples like FerretDB, MongoDB, and Couchbase.
30 posts tagged with "open source"
View All TagsMeteor.js and FerretDB: Using an Open Source MongoDB Alternative for Your Meteor.js Apps
Meteor.js has gained immense popularity as a full-stack JavaScript platform for developing modern web and mobile applications, thanks to its seamless data synchronization and full-stack capabilities. Its flexibility, real-time capabilities, and rich ecosystem have made it a developer's favorite.
MongoDB vs PostgreSQL: A Detailed Database Comparison
Everyone has been there – starting a new project and wondering what database to use. Deciding between MongoDB and PostgreSQL? NoSQL vs SQL database? Open source vs Proprietary database? Surely there should be one that suits your project to a tee.
MongoDB Alternatives: 5 Database Alternatives to MongoDB for 2023
The top 5 MongoDB-compatible alternatives to MongoDB include: FerretDB, DocumentDB, CosmosDB, GaussDB(for Mongo), and MariaDB MaxScale.
FerretDB at Percona University in Istanbul
We were really excited to join Percona University Istanbul last weekend, an event which was sponsored by FerretDB and HostedPMM.
How to Pass Basic MongoDB CRUD Operations With FerretDB
In this tutorial, we will show you how to pass basic MongoDB CRUD operations in FerretDB - the open source MongoDB alternative.
5 Tips to Help Mitigate the Risks of Vendor Lock-In In Your Database
Database vendor lock-in poses a technical, financial, and legal risk for all companies. This article provides you with the 5 tips you need to avoid these risks
How to Keep Control of Your Data and Infrastructure Using FerretDB and Tigris
Using MongoDB Atlas only leads to lock-in, learn to avoid this problem and keep total control of your data using FerretDB and Tigris Data.